I brought four books to the south coast of Cyprus and enjoyed them all:
1. Harlan Coben - Caught. Another stand-alone thriller about the suburban soul. Perhaps not his finest, but quite thrilling and his characters are overall believable and engaging.
2. Don Winslow - Savages. Yeah! This is not actually published until June, but I was lucky and got a hold of a prepublication copy. This is great writing, political, smooth, SoCal/Mexico drug wars/philosophy. Great language, solid points made. Highly recommended. When you can find it...
3. Jonathan L Howard - Johannes Cabal the Necromancer. Good, original, English, somewhat gaimanesque, a bit quirky fantasy. Johannes sold his soul to the devil ten years ago and now he wants it back! A deal is struck, but who's fooling who? Read!
4. Karen Campbell - Shadowplay. The third novel about glaswegian police-woman Anna Cameron, this is not actually published until next month, but Karen was nice enough to present me with a sneak preview copy... These novels are so good. Anna Cameron is such an intriguing character and the writing here really shines. Great intrigue. Do not miss out on these books!