UPPSALA | Tuesday 3rd December at 19.00 Free, but ticketed!
»What if the only way forward is to go back?«
Author Visit & Reading
Risto Pakarinen – author of ”Someday Jennifer”
Risto Pakarinen, author and one-time wanna-be hockey agent, reads from his book and talks about the serendipitous way from idea and script to finding a literary agent and publication – in Canada!
Someday Jennifer is a feelgood book about a middle-aged man who wants to escape his miserable life and go back in time. And he figures out a way to do it in a quick and efficient way. Once back in the 1980s, he goes looking for Jennifer, his first love.
Tuesday 3rd December at 19.00
Free – but ticketed. Get your ticket at the bookshop today! (Or contact the bookshop to reserve a ticket if you can't make it to the shop before the event.)
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