
KulturNatten i Uppsala 2011 – Events at The English Bookshop


KulturNatten i Uppsala 2011 – Events at The English BookshopDuring the KulturNatten Uppsala 10th of September, we will arrange three events in our Uppsala Bookshop (at Svartbäcksgatan 19):
British & Celtic Folk Music! – 3 to 4 pm
The Queens of Scotland! –  5 to 7 pm
Beat Thing! –  7:30 to 9 pm  

Reading Group – Ours are the streets by Sunjeev Sahota

Ours are the streets by Sunjeev Sahota

Welcome to a cozy evening meeting in the bookshop to discuss the month’s book. During the evening we’ll talk about the book and enjoy each other’s company as well as a nice cuppa’ tea and some delicious cake. And you get 10% discount on everything! The cost is only 50:- + book. (Oh, that includes the delicious cake as well!) Limited number of participants (max 10), so talk to the book- sellers and book your seat today.

Uppsala: August 31 and September 1 at 7 pm
Stockholm: September 7 at 7 pm

Ours are the Streets by Sunjeev Sahota in the bookshop

Man Booker Prize 2011 Longlist

The longlist for the 2011 Man Booker Prize for Fiction - the ‘Man Booker Dozen' - was announced on Tuesday 26th of July. A total of 138 books were considered for the longlist, 13 made the list. They are:

Meet Nathan Larson, the author of Dewey Decimal System, August 4th

Nathan Larson; THE DEWEY DECIMAL SYSTEMMeet Nathan Larson at the English Bookshop in Stockholm Gamla stan (Lilla Nygatan 11, Old Town)  at 7 pm. August 4. He'll talk and read from his book (his first reading outside  North America). There will time for a chat and book signing also.

Do join Natan at his event Facebook page.

Nathan Larson in the bookshop

New George RR Martin on sale at midnight!

Tonight at 00.01 we open the shop especially to start selling the new long-awaited novel by George R R Martin; A Dance With Dragons. If you've prebooked your copy; stop by and pick it up so you can start reading immediately! Don't miss out!

Helena blogs about her summer reading!


What does your list look like? Read Helena's here

Superb Summer Reads


Here is a small selection of books that are perfect for the beach and hammock, or a cozy sofa on a rainy day. They are not listed in any particular order - just have your pick and dive in!

Ebooks at The English Bookshop

Your favourite bookshop partners with the world's largest and most versatile ebookseller Kobo in Canada.

This means that by following the link from our ebook-page, The English Bookshop will get a commission on everything you buy without it costing you anything extra.

Téa Obreht wins the 2011 Orange Prize for Fiction!

Congratulations to Serbian/American author Téa Obreht for winning the 2011 Orange Prize for Fiction with her debut novel The Tiger's Wife!

David Lodge Competition!

Yes! We have a signed copy of his latest book A Man of Parts to raffle off! If you want to be the lucky winner just email us at with your answer to this question: What colour are Mr Lodge's eyes? Answers in before end of day June 14, contestants within the kingdom only.

Good luck!

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