STOCKHOLM | Thursday 27th April at 18:30
The Stockholm Noir trilogy has already become a phenomenon in Sweden and abroad. His own professional experience as a criminal defense lawyer has given him unusual insights into a world that most people would rather not acknowledge.
Critics have tagged him ”a Swedish James Ellroy”, a truth-telling author who writes about life on the streets and depicts the underbelly of Swedish society.
Just released in English: Stockholm Delete.
Meet Jens on Thursday 27th April at 18:30 in the Stockholm shop on Södermannagatan 22.
Advance tickets (60:- incl. refreshments) are available online at www.billetto.se/nordic-noir-lapidus or at the Stockholm bookshop
Read all about the Nordic Noir Talk series at www.bookshop.se/nordicnoir
Next up in the series is Viveca Sten on May 30th.