STOCKHOLM | Thursday 15 June at 18:00. Free event.
Food fights, fishing and French cooking – learn about author Ben Aitken’s year of actively pursuing fun.
Author Visit: Ben Aitken presents Here Comes the Fun – a year of making merry.
Join the fun in the Stockholm bookshop as Ben Aitken presents his latest book and his year of actively pursuing fun, in conversation with Veronica from the bookshop.
STOCKHOLM Thursday 15th June at 18:00
Free event – bring your friends. Refreshments.
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Are you getting enough? Ben Aitken wasn’t. Increasingly flat and decreasingly zen, he knew that something had to change. So he joined a lawn bowls club.
About a week later, he continued his assault on the doldrums by taking a cheerleading class. Then – with an almost entirely reformed selfhood winking appealingly on the horizon – he went cold-water swimming and was back to square one. Despite the inevitable setbacks and missteps, it was becoming clear to Aitken that the very pursuit of fun was a great route to feeling less naff.
Although the results were mixed, the author’s year of making merry left him feeling undoubtedly … better. Which invites the question: if fun is such a reliable mood-swinger, shouldn't we be having more of it?